How does to meditation work in today’s era…
Are you interested in learning more about how to meditate?
Typical meditation practices process consists of:
- Some form of yoga pose
- Think about what you want to achieve with your meditation
- Find a distraction-free area
- Use of a meditation cushion
- Incense burning while humming a tune
- Wearing comfortable clothing
- Choosing the perfect time to use meditation
- Having a timer handy
When asked about meditation most responses would be similar to the bullet points listed above. The general population has this preconceived notion that there is only one way to perform meditation practices. Although there are preferred methods in practice there are many ways to use meditation in order to gain benefits from the use.
Atypical meditation practices process consist of:
- Mindfulness State
- Observation
- Describe
- Participate
What does it mean to be mindful, you ask???
Don't Judge
- Notice without thinking good or bad.
- Acknowledge the harmful, and the helpful but don't judge it. Replace "you're a jerk" with "I feel mad when you do that."
- Judging happens so catch your judgements to have more control over your emotions- Don't judge your judging.
Stay Focused
- Do one thing at a time (observe, describe, participate).
- Let go of distractions
- Concentrate you mind (the opposite of multi-tasking).
- Stay focused so that the past and the future don't get in your way
Do What works
- Focus on what works (don't let emotions control your behavior)
- Play by the rules
- Act as skillfully as you can
- Do what you need to do to achieve your goals
- Let go of negative feelings (e.g. vengeance and useless anger) that can hurt you and make things worse.
Meditation is an activity which you silence the thoughts you mind produces.
Try thisssssssssss.........
1. Put one hand on the table and the other hand on your body. What does it fell like?
2. Rub your head, stop rubbing, and notice how long it is until you can feel the rubbing.
3. Move one palm of one hand around the other hand. Notice how it feels.
4. Sit in the chair. Notice how your body feels in the chair.
5. Listen to the sound of your own breathing. Now see if you can hear other people breathing and pay attention
6. Imagine yourself sitting on a mountain. See the clouds and feel the wind.
7. See how long you can sit looking around at things. Notice when you stop looking around and then start looking around again.
8. See how long you can sit watching yourself breathe. Notice when you get distracted from your breath.
Modern day practice of meditation is becoming more commonly taught by therapist in the treatment of mental health services. The idea is that patients use all the tools they can in order to generate a positive space for them to maneuver in. The use of meditation in a modified compacity is encouraged in order to make this form of practice work for you. You can meditate the traditional way for 1-hour in a temple hall of your choice or you can use more of a non-traditional approach for 5-minutes while riding on public transportation. The most important thing is to use this tool in a way that fits your personality, lifestyle and assist you with reaching your overall goal of GOOD HEALTH and WELLBEING.
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Alpha Beta Behavioral Psychological Services Inc.
2026 17th Street Suite 101
Bakersfield Ca. 93308
(559) 328-8434
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