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Flaws in the Juvenile Justice System

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Flaws in the Juvenile Justice System in US

While the nation sings in chorus that kids are our future, does the juvenile justice system in America treat children alike? The American justice system does not seem to do justice to every kid. You will hear the same voice across the country. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program reveals that 48,043 juveniles were incarcerated in residential facilities in October 2015 across the United States. 

While the need for welfare has always been stressed in place of punishment, the number of juveniles appearing before the courts has been steadily rising. The juvenile justice system in America thus looks flawed and makes a mockery of its vision of delivering welfare. Unfortunately, too many young people are locked up in jails for petty crimes. 

What are the Flaws in the Justice System

The American criminal justice system has dealt poorly with juvenile offenders. Juveniles are treated like adults and isolated and punished for their misdemeanor. Unfortunately, such a flawed juvenile justice system has resulted in a record number of people being sentenced to detention centers. 

Mentally disturbed 

Worst still, the juvenile detention facilities have become a hub of mentally disturbed youth. It won’t be wrong to say that the American juvenile justice system has become a dumping ground for poor youth with learning disabilities. In the 1980s, the punitive trend saw a sharp rise in the number of murders and grave crimes committed by the youth. During that period, this new breed of juveniles came to be seen with dubious eyes. New terms were coined for the crime and criminals, including radically impulsive youth and brutally remorseless minds.

More and more juvenile offenders are being tried for less serious crimes. What’s more, most of these young children are emotionally disturbed. Statistics claim that the rate of metal disorders among incarcerated juveniles is three times that of kids in the community. Sadly, there is a paucity of mental health services and other essential resources for disturbed children in incarceration facilities. 

Some legislators called for a tough stand against such youths, and their mantra was to seek an equal punishment for youth offenders who committed big crimes.


Further, the judges’ inability to see juvenile offenders as social liabilities has further been instrumental in the denial of due process.

Sadly, the lack of basic mental healthcare facilities and social support are some of the reasons for emotionally disturbed kids committing crimes and ending up in the court. There are social barriers in their communities and youth cannot access therapy and rehabilitation programs. 

Racial and social exclusion has furthered the depravity of young criminals. 

Another flaw in the American juvenile justice system is the denial to provide juvenile offenders a public defender due to the imposition of strict rules that govern access to public justice services. In some cases, families of young defendants exceed the standard poverty threshold are forced to pay a huge financial price to exercise basic constitutional rights. Else, their kids are subject to prosecution.

Unfortunately, in some cases, a poor parent afraid of getting bankrupted by the lengthy legal process might pressure their juvenile to plead guilty.

What Should Be Done

More money must be put into shaping the lives of each child in America. All young people should have access to the same services. Instead of punishment, these young minds must get another chance to improve for true equality.

Reforms in the juvenile justice system in America are a must so justice prevails. The need for a fairer and more transparent financial evaluation for youth defendants cannot be ignored. This will protect their families from unnecessary financial burdens. Additionally, it will rescue juveniles from needless incarcerations. 





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