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Know about Meditation benefits

Meditation for Success

Dr. Dwight Norman Jr., Psy.D ~ 03/05/2020

Meditation is used to assist with deepen understanding of the scared and mystical forces of life. In the most recent times, meditation is used for relaxation and stress reduction. With the way we all live life today we need everything to happen RIGHT NOW... there is very little time in a day to adjust to anything outside of moving on to the next thing.   
Photo by Kevin Mueller on Unsplash

Here are the benefits of MEDITATION:

  1. Meditation Improves Focus, Concentration & Productivity

    The work and how we maneuver in it is changing by the day. The need for immediate gratification is higher than ever amongst the young generations. Between social media platforms and internet food delivery we have everything we need at the tip of our fingers. The level of distractibility is at an all time high. Is doing one thing at a time a thing of the past??? 

    The practice of doing one thing at a time allow for one to enhance their ability to focus and concentrate which in turn will lead to higher productivity. With practice, we are leading ourselves to increase productivity within many aspects of our lives. 
  2. Meditation Improves the Quality of Sleep

    Sleep is a vital part of the repair process. Let's face it, we spend much of our time ripping and running all day with out as much as a minute to catch up with our thoughts. When you don’t get enough sleep, or you are waking up in the middle of the night, it effects us in more ways than you know. The mind is not refreshed in order to tackle all the next day's obstacles and when this happens it is almost impossible to be at our best.  Battling chronic sleep deprivation can cause a host of more serious health issues, including diabetes, hypertension, depression, obesity, and a host of other health issues.

    Many many many individuals suffer from sleep disorders. Some have good insight into the issue while other have poor insight. Why? Many people do not take the time to evaluate their day to day and ins and outs and may not realize they have always had trouble sleeping. Another popular reason people don’t get enough sleep? Some do not consider waking at night, difficulty falling asleep or even waking up as a major contributing factor to their overall wellbeing.

    Meditation practices have been proven to improve sleep performance over time. Meditation allows for a relax state to be reached and the recovery process to reach its full potential. Not only will meditation assist with better sleep it will also help with mental health disorders like depression, anxiety and other mood disorders. 
  3. Meditation Reduces Stress 

    Stress can be labeled as the all might villain in our journey to a good well-being status. It can lead to many disorder both physical and mental if left untreated. Stress can effect us in a variety of different way such as, in our work life and social life, just to name a few.

    Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash
    Stress inhibits are ability to process quickly and move seamlessly from activity to activity. It takes so much energy to manage added stress and often times leaves us over working both our mind and body.  As trendsetter, progressive figures, and innovative individuals, that lasting effects of stress can change the trajectory of our career success day by day. 

    The physical changes that happen when one is stress includes but is not limited to illness, headaches, body aches, soreness, and fatigue. This could lead to the development of a false sense of self in a way. Not only may stress effect the physical body but it is just as much likely to effect our mental health as well. Stress also increases feelings of self-consciousness, self-doubt, and insecurity, which all can be defeating when the plan is to promote our well-being and not crush it where it stands. Meditation lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone, and has the power to reverse the byproducts of stress.


  1. Good information. I have issues with waking up through the night, concentration and stress! This may be the outlet I need. Thank you for this information.


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