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Quarantine Couples that last

CCouples Relationships During COVID-19 Quarantine

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, everyone is literally forced to be in self-isolation and home quarantine. So that means you have been locked up in your homes with your partner for quite some time. How does the coronavirus quarantine impact the couple’s relationship now that you are forced to spend more time with your partners? Well, it is not a bad thing to spend more “we time” together. In fact, the pandemic is an opportunity to strengthen your relationship, care for each other, and show more love to the partner.

Talk About It

Now that both of you are together all day and night, you could find each other annoying for more reasons than one. But that does not mean you should file for a divorce.

There are ways to deal with the problem and save your relationship during quarantine. Talk about it. Communication is the best way to sort things out. When it seems difficult to tolerate the other person, communicate clearly to prevent the annoyance from taking the form of anger.

These are stressful times. But do not let the stress get into your head. Addressing every single problem with your partner will rescue your relationship. 

If your partner sounds frustrating all the time, try writing it down in a diary. Sit down and share your views on those pain points. Avoid criticism but try to politely prove your point. Try to convince them that your relationship suffers due to such acts and demeanor. 

Maintain Balance 

True, the coronavirus pandemic has put everyone in self-quarantine. While it’s your civic duty to stay indoors, that does not mean sitting in the same room all the time. 

Give each other some space and freedom to be on their own. It is important to maintain balance and enjoy some peaceful “me time” every day. This should help rejuvenate both of you and go a step further in saving relationship during quarantine. 

Keep the Fire Alive

Since both partners are at home often under the same room all the time, you may find it difficult to arouse yourself. 

There needs to be some space for both so you can feel like yourself. It would help to enjoy your favorite activities or hobbies alone for some time. A relaxed and stress-free mind can bring you both closer. Stress can lower your libido. But it would help to constantly remind yourself not to ignore sex when you are fighting stress.

In order to keep the fire alive, it is important to spend some quality time together. Now you might question whether it is even possible when you both are together 24/7. 

Well, there are ways to keep the couple’s relationship during quarantine strong. Plan out specific days of the week for an indoor picnic. You could order food from your favorite restaurant if it is open for home delivery.

How about dressing yourself up in your wedding dress again for a date night in a cozy corner in your abode? 

It’s all about planning and preparing things with a cool mind. Remind yourself of the benefits of sex and the love hormone can bring you closer and together.

Schedule a Laugh Time For Each Day

No doubt, there is a lot of stress and anxiety everywhere due to the coronavirus pandemic. Life seems full of stress and there is panic everywhere. But since you are focusing on self-isolation, it’s okay to be a little silly sometimes. The idea is to laugh together. This laugh time will have magical effects in bringing you closer.

How about having a pillow fight with your partner? Or you could engage each other in finger painting. Draw a cityscape together. Practice writing love letters to each other. Puzzles are an absolute new trend right now. Don’t these sound like magical tips to save couples relationship during quarantine?

The Pandemic Is Temporary; Your Relationship Permanent

End each day on a positive note. Hug each other and say good night.  When the bond gets stronger, no couples relationship can suffer. You will learn to navigate through such crisis situations better when you are together. Show extra kindness to each other and be in this together. 

If you can do this, your couples relationship during quarantine and post-COVID-19 will get stronger. When the coronavirus pandemic is gone, you will have a lot to laugh together. 

Alpha Beta Behavioral







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